Twu houston physical therapy

Supervised Teaching in Physical Therapy. Supervised teaching for physical therapy students. Laboratory teaching under close supervision of the faculty. Weekly meetings with the instructor, individual consultation, and reports. Prerequisites: Degree in physical therapy and permission of instructor. Seven practicum hours a week. Clinical Management in Internal Medicine. Gross and histological reactions of tissue, organs, and systems to injury or disease; correlation of pathology with clinical signs and symptoms; medical management of disease processes, genetic conditions, and injuries commonly seen by physical therapists with emphasis on internal medicine.

Four lecture hours a week. Credit: Four hours. Human Gross Anatomy. Study of the structure and function of the human body; introduction to surface anatomy, radiology, embryology, and histology through regional dissection of the body. Three lecture and six laboratory hours a week. Credit: Five hours. Evaluation, summary, and presentation of project results in a public forum.

Clinical Management of the Musculoskeletal System. Pathology and medical management of disease processes, genetic conditions, and injuries commonly seen by physical therapists with emphasis on musculoskeletal disorders. Research for Clinical Scientists in Physical Therapy. Research design and statistical analysis; critical evaluation of published research relevant to physical therapy; scientific writing; preparation for conducting clinical research.

Three lecture hours a week. Clinical Neuroscience. Organization and physiological function of the human nervous system with emphasis on topics relevant to the practice of physical therapy. Three lecture and two laboratory hours a week. Clinical Management of the Neuromuscular System. Pathology and medical management of disease processes, genetic conditions, and injuries commonly seen by physical therapists with emphasis on neuromuscular disorders.

Research in Physical Therapy. Critical analysis of published research relevant to physical therapy; securing and evaluating evidence for clinical decision-making; research design and statistical analysis; and preparation for participation in collaborative research. Basic physiological responses to activity or exercise and physiological adaptations in response to training; energy storage and utilization as well as exercise prescriptions for healthy individuals and clients with selected diseases.

Student participation in exercise testing and programs during lab sessions. Two laboratory hours a week. Application of statistical procedures to answer health-related research questions or problems. Analyzing, interpreting, and reporting results of univariate, one-factor analyses of health care data.

Basic Physical Therapy Skills. Application of physical therapy treatment procedures with primary emphasis on such basic patient care techniques as transfers, positioning, assisted exercise, and assisted gait.

Developmental Concepts: Adolescence to Geriatrics. Changes associated with age in the neurosensory, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, pulmonary, integumentary, and musculoskeletal systems as related to physical therapy management.

One lecture and two laboratory hours a week. Movement Science in Physical Therapy. Physical therapy analysis of biomechanical and kinesiological principles of human movement and function with emphasis on the relationships among movement, structure, and force.

Two lecture and two laboratory hours a week. Professional Practice in Physical Therapy. Orientation to professional aspects of physical therapy, including communication, cultural competence, documentation, ethics, evidence-based practice, legal issues, and effective teaching strategies. Advanced Instrumentation in Physical Therapy. Technical and practical considerations necessary for the effective use of instrumentation common in the physical therapy and rehabilitation fields. Practicum in Physical Therapy.

Supervised experience in a specialized area of interest such as administration, teaching, research, or advanced evaluation and treatment procedures. May be repeated for credit. Four practicum hours a week. Practice Management Issues I. Application of practice management issues in the physical therapy setting: emphasis on communication, documentation, supervision, reimbursement, time management, and psychosocial aspects of patient care in preparation for first clinical affiliation.

Advanced Practicum in Physical Therapy. Nine practicum hours a week. Practice Management Issues II. Overview of various influences within the health care environment, including payment systems, development of public policy and legislation, and the scope of physical therapy practice at the local, state, and federal levels.

One lecture hour a week. Directed Practicum in Physical Therapy. Download Page PDF. TWU Undergraduate Catalog TWU Graduate Catalog Skip to Content AZ Index. Catalog Search catalog Submit search. Catalog Navigation. Several have received coveted awards for their professionalism and commitment to the industry. Texas Woman's University has approximately sites across the United States under contract to provide clinical education to the School of Physical Therapy.

That means DPT students have many choices when it comes to where they can complete their clinical education. Our faculty and students regularly engage in research to enhance evidence-based care across the lifespan. Learn more about physical therapy research happening at TWU. The faculty were passionate about the profession and student success, which was very inspiring to see as a student. Plowman was commissioned in the U. Navy as an active duty physical therapist after completing the DPT program at TWU and served for just shy of eight years.

During her tenure, she served at a large medical center, several small and medium-sized clinics and on board an aircraft carrier. After leaving the Navy, she started a small private practice, Pain Boss Physical Therapy, providing telehealth physical therapy services to those with chronic pain and mobility impairments.

From all of my experiences, what I love about the profession the most is this versatility. I have worked with everyone from little kids to geriatric military retirees, from receptionists to fighter pilots and Navy SEALs.


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